The mosaic in the apse of the Chapel of St Primus and St Felician, in the church of Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio, was commissioned by Pope Theodore I (r. 642-49). It is one of the rare examples of the art from 7th century Rome (another is to be found in the Cappella di SanVenanzioin the Lateran Baptistery).
The mosaic in the Cappella dei Santi Primus e Feliciano depicts the two martyr-saints flanking a jewelled cross. The pair stand in a lush green meadow, which is alive with red roses. The cross culminates in a tondo depicting the head of Christ (a later addition?). At the top of the mosaic, against a background of the firmament, is the hand of God the Father holding a wreath. Below the work is an epigraph recording the dedication of the chapel.