Princess Maria Flaminia Odescalchi Chigi was only twenty years old when she died (1771) giving birth to her third child. Her spectacular funerary monument was designed by the architect Paolo Posi (1708-76), while the sculptural work was executed by the Roman sculptor Agostino Penna (1728-1800).
In his design, Posi made reference to the heraldic charges of the coat of arms of the Odescalchi and Chigi families: the monument is crowned with an eagle (Odescalchi), while the portrait of the princess is in a bronze tondo set with eight-pointed stars (Chigi). The banner bearing the memorial inscription is held up by a bronze oak tree (Chigi), while at the base there is a lion (Odescalchi), six montini (Chigi) and a smoking incense burner (Odescalchi).
The monument stands outside theChigi family's chapelin the church of Santa Maria del Popolo.
Funerary Monument to Giovanni Battista & Maria Camilla Rospigliosi San Francesco a Ripa
The two funerary monuments in the Cappella Rospigliosi Pallaviciniwere designed by the Venetian architect Nicola Michetti (1675-1758), while the sculptural work was executed by Giuseppe Mazzuoli (1644-1725). The bronze skeletons are by Michele Garofolino.
Funerary Monument to Camillo del Corno Gesù e Maria
The monument to Camillo del Corno is by the sculptor Domenico Guidi (1625-1701) and depicts a dancing skeleton wrapped in a shroud looking at an hour-glass.
Funerary Monument to Giulio del Corno Gesù e Maria
The monument to Giulio del Corno is by Ercole Ferrata (1610-86) and shows Father Time ripping a banner bearing the name of the deceased.
The funerary monument to Gregorio Capponi was designed by the Florentine architect Ferdinando Fuga (1699-1782) and executed by the French sculptor René-Michel Slodtz (1705-64), who was better known in Italy as Michelangelo Slodtz.
Funerary Monument to Cardinal Lorenzo Imperiali Sant' Agostino
The funerary monument to Cardinal Lorenzo Imperiali (1612-73) is the work of the sculptor Domenico Guidi (1625-1701).
It is not known who created the funerary monument to Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610), who was the titular cardinal of San Pietro in Vincoli from 1605 until his death.
Funerary Monument of Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali Sant' Agostino
The funerary monument of Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali (1651-1737) was designed by the Sienese architect Paolo Posi (1708-76) and executed by the Roman sculptor Pietro Bracci (1700-73).
The Funerary Monument (1655) to Francesca Calderini Pecori Riccardi is the work of the sculptor Antonio Raggi (1624-86).
Funerary Monument to Sir Thomas Dereham San Tommaso di Canterbury
The funerary monument to Sir Thomas Dereham, who died in Rome in 1739, was designed by the architect Ferdinando Fuga (1699-1782) and executed by the sculptor Filippo Della Valle (1698-1768). The monument stands in the church of St Thomas of Canterbury, which is part of the Venerable English College.
Funerary Monument to Cardinal Giovanni Battista De Luca Santo Spirito dei Napoletani
The funerary monument to Cardinal Giovanni Battista De Luca (d. 1683) was executed by Domenico Guidi (1625-1701). The two statues represent Fortitude and Prudence.