The Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, which was built (1883-87) by the Jesuit priest Massimiliano Massimo, is part of the Museo Nazionale Romano (National Roman Museum).
The celebrated Greek bronze sculpture known as 'The Boxer at Rest' is one of the highlights of the collection. The sculpture, which scholars have dated anywhere from the late fourth century to the middle of the first century BCE, depicts a boxer seated with his arms resting on his knees. His head, complete with a boxer's trademark broken nose and cauliflower ears, is turned to the right. The figure is naked apart from his boxing gloves, an ancient Greek device known as a caestus, which took the form of strips of leather attached to a ring, which was worn around the knuckles.
The statue was discovered on the Quirinal hill, near the Baths of Constantine, in 1885.